Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Forex Erlang

Manual de Neuroevolución a través de Erlang

Manual de Neuroevolución A través de Erlang presenta tanto la teoría detrás, como la metodología de, el desarrollo de un sistema de inteligencia computacional basado en neuroevolución utilizando Erlang. Con un prólogo escrito por Joe Armstrong, este manual ofrece un extenso tutorial para crear un estado de la técnica de la red de neuronas artificiales (TWEANN). En un formato paso a paso, el lector es guiado desde una única neurona simulada a un sistema completo. Siguiendo estos pasos, el lector será capaz de utilizar la tecnología novedosa para construir un sistema TWEANN, que se puede aplicar a la simulación de vida artificial, y el comercio de Forex. Debido a la arquitectura de Erlang, coincide perfectamente con el de los sistemas evolutivos y neurocompactales. Como lenguaje de programación, se trata de un paradigma concurrente de paso de mensajes que permite a los desarrolladores aprovechar al máximo el multi-núcleo & amp; Sistemas multi-cpu. Manual de Neuroevolución A través de Erlang se explica cómo aprovechar las características de Erlang en el campo del aprendizaje automático y las aplicaciones del mundo real del sistema, desde el trading financiero algorítmico hasta la vida artificial y la robótica.

Neuroevolution A través de Erlang PDF existe ahora el aprendizaje de la evolución para el comercio de divisas y la previsión del mercado

Neuroevolution A través de Erlang PDF existe ahora el aprendizaje de la evolución para el comercio de divisas y la previsión del mercado

Neuroevolución A través de Erlang PDF ahora existe. Yo personalmente no pasaría mucho tiempo en esto debido a una alta probabilidad de fracaso en el largo plazo. Este es un duro que sólo se aconseja para las personas altamente avanzado que tienen las chuletas de tecnología y matemáticas.

http://www. erlang-factory. com/upload/presentations/536/ErlangConferencePresentation_2012.pdf

Gracias por enviar de Sholom

MetaTrader DataFeed API Protocol

Alguien sabe de la documentación disponible en el protocolo MetaTrader Server / DataFeed / Manager API?

Mi corredor es MB Trading, un ECN que no soporta MetaTrader, y estoy buscando escribir un MB Trading - & gt; Puente MetaTrader.

Parece que la forma más confiable sería la ingeniería inversa de los protocolos de servidor MetaTrader e implementar un servidor compatible con MetaTrader que podría ser acoplado a una cita arbitraria y fuente de ejecución de órdenes.

Soy competente con MetaTrader desde el punto de vista de la programación MQL, pero no he hecho ninguna investigación seria en la comunicación aún entre el software de cliente MetaTrader y el software de servidor en el Market Maker final.

Antes de embarcarme en el camino (esperemos que no demasiado) doloroso de la ingeniería inversa del software del servidor MetaTrader, alguien puede señalar a mí si esto ya se ha hecho, o si hay alguna documentación disponible en el protocolo de comunicación del servidor MetaTrader?

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10% = corrección, 20% = mercado bajista.

(Fuente: https://theirrelevantinvestor. wordpress. com/2016/01/12/probably-everything-you-need-to-know-about-bear-markets/)

10% = corrección, 20% = mercado bajista.

Sé que estos números arbitrarios a veces parecen tonto, pero al mirar los datos, usted tiene que dibujar la línea en alguna parte. Vuelve, vamos a seguir adelante.

El S & amp; P 500 ha estado en una reducción durante los últimos ocho meses. Las existencias están actualmente un 9,2% por debajo de los máximos alcanzados en mayo de 2015, a sólo un paso del territorio oficial de corrección. Todo el mundo sabe que esto es totalmente normal, pero puede que se sorprenda al saber que desde 1928, las acciones han estado en un descuento del 10% 55% del tiempo. El problema, por supuesto, es que nunca se sienten normales porque no sabemos en tiempo real si esto es sólo una corrección o el inicio de un mercado bajista. Y las existencias más profundas van, más difícil es resistir la tentación del miedo.

En tiempos como este, los hechos históricos no proporcionan mucha comodidad y aún menos de una hoja de ruta, sin embargo, esperemos que puedan proporcionar un poco de contexto.

Desde 1928, ha habido quince retiros separados del 10%. Antes de continuar, usted podría estar pensando, "sólo quince correcciones, que no suenan bien." Aquí es cómo veo las retiradas; En mi mente, una reducción no es más hasta nuevos máximos se hacen. De estas quince correcciones, diez se han convertido en un mercado bajista.

Tomemos un examen más detenido de estas disminuciones del 20% porque no todos los mercados bajistas son creados iguales. Hay mercados negros seculares, que por su naturaleza sólo pueden definirse después de los hechos. Estos son largos períodos de tiempo en los que las poblaciones avanzan poco. Luego hay osos cíclicos, que pueden venir en medio de un oso secular largo o incluso un toro secular. La siguiente tabla muestra los tres osos seculares durante los últimos noventa años.

Como puede ver, la característica que define a los osos seculares es que las existencias no progresan durante largos períodos de tiempo. Peor aún, experimentan fuertes caídas que pueden afectar a toda una generación de inversionistas. La siguiente tabla muestra los dolorosos retiros que los inversores experimentan durante estos mercados negros seculares.

Lo frustrante de cada oso es que es imposible saber cuánto tiempo durarán. Piense en el oso secular más reciente, que duró desde marzo de 2000 hasta marzo de 2013 (creo que se acabó, aunque las personas razonables pueden estar en desacuerdo sobre esto). Las acciones brevemente empujado sus cabezas por encima de sus máximos de 2000 en octubre de 2007 antes de ser golpeado de nuevo en su rango de larga década. Los inversores tuvieron una experiencia similar en 1980; Romper por encima de la gama larga por un minuto sólo para ser entregado un golpe definitivo intestino.

Mirar los mercados bursátiles a lo largo de largos períodos de tiempo podría no ser tan útil como romperlos aún más. Dentro de los tres osos seculares han sido distintos los osos cíclicos (creo que la burbuja tecnológica de 2000 y la burbuja de crédito de 2007). Aquí es cómo he compilado los datos a continuación; En cualquier momento hay un 20% de rally, el mercado bajista ha terminado. Lo que esto hace es romper el período 1929-1954 en 11 mercados de oso separados.

El promedio de estos 20 mercados de oso distintos registró un descenso de 36% en el pico a la bajada, que duró poco más de 52 semanas. La quinta columna muestra cuánto tiempo duró cada oso y la sexta columna muestra la rapidez con que las acciones ganaron un 20% de sus mínimos, restableciendo el mercado bajista. Por ejemplo, el pico de octubre '07 hasta los mínimos de marzo de 2009 fue de 74 semanas. Las acciones luego se recuperaron un 20% en 4 semanas, lo que hace 78 semanas la duración total de ese mercado bajista en particular.

Si el S & amp; P 500 ve una corrección, y si o no eso se convierte en un mercado bajista, y lo profundo que podría ir y cuánto tiempo podría durar es la suposición de nadie. La única cosa en su control es qué usted elige hacer o no hacer. Tomar decisiones en el calor del momento casi nunca es una buena idea, por lo que tener un plan en su lugar es tan importante. Saber que usted tiene una respuesta, si las existencias suben, hacia abajo o hacia un lado es una sensación realmente liberadora.


Forex trading con programación funcional

Permítanme disculpar por adelantado por mi pobre inglés.

Por Ehud Lamm en Tue, 2008-06-17 00:53 | Inicia sesión o regístrate para publicar comentarios

No saben mucho acerca de los sistemas de divisas o de comercio.

. Pero sé lo que son, por lo menos: "cambio de divisas", que es sobre el comercio de varios instrumentos monetarios-como financieros denominados en diferentes monedas. Los sistemas de comercio son los servidores centrales que constituyen un mercado electrónico, o los sistemas utilizados por los comerciantes para hablar con estos servidores: Supongo que el cartel está interesado en este último. Estos sistemas de negociación hablarán con el servidor central para recopilar información sobre ofertas abiertas y & amp; Otros datos financieros, y permitirá al comerciante ejecutar operaciones; Además de los comerciantes como los sistemas de comercio que hacen el análisis, así, y tal vez también ejecutar automáticamente los oficios.

Algunos enlaces:

Hay una serie de implementaciones de código abierto de los sistemas de comercio. La página de Open Java Trading System tiene algunos enlaces interesantes. Java parece estar donde está el centro de gravedad, tanto con las ofertas opne de la fuente como con los sistemas abiertos de los grandes vendedores: usando un lenguaje funcional amigable con JVM (por ejemplo, SISC, Scala) para hablar con un back-end comercial implementado En Java parece ser un lugar obvio para comenzar, si sólo está interesado en FP para el análisis y el comercio automatizado; Se ha trabajado en implementaciones funcionales de sistemas comerciales, ninguno de ellos de código abierto. Véase el artículo de Yaron Minsky en Monad Reader (pp.23-34) sobre la implementación de un sistema de comercio de futuros en OCaml. Joel Raymont ha hablado de la construcción de un sistema comercial en Erlang; El comentario de QuantPlus en este hilo capta mis pensamientos sobre cualquier persona sin un fondo comercial pensando en hacer el comercio automatizado de su propio bate. Simon Peyton Jones trabajo sobre contratos financieros no es directamente sobre los sistemas de comercio, pero creo que se consideran una posible aplicación. Cf. Combinadores de contratos.

Esto no suena como un tema de tarea, y sí vincula a los intereses de LtU, así que creo que podemos darnos el lujo de ser generosos al evaluar su on / off topicness.

Postscript. Los comentarios de Cameron Purdy explican lo que pasa con los sistemas comerciales. Hace una triple distinción útil entre los intercambios comerciales, los sistemas de negociación y los clientes comerciales.

Composición de contratos - Una aventura en la ingeniería financiera

A principios de este año, Simon Peyton Jones presentó su obra Composing Contracts. En un seminario de programación funcional organizado por Ericsson.

Parsing la cadena de bloqueo con Erlang

Decidí tomar un cierto tiempo que da a Erlang otra mirada dura, y hago un análisis Bitcoin blockchain en el proceso. Originalmente desarrollado por Ericsson para su uso en sus productos de telefonía, Erlang es un lenguaje de programación funcional que se basa fundamentalmente en la concurrencia. Diseñado para construir grandes sistemas distribuidos y tolerantes a fallos, y capaz de aprovechar la arquitectura multi-core. He pasado la mayor parte de mi carrera en lenguajes imperativos y orientados a objetos, con sólo breves dalliances en el ámbito funcional, incluyendo una asignación de lisp de nivel universitario que salió mal rápidamente. Escribir software concurrente es difícil, cualquier cosa que lo hace más fácil sin duda merece una mirada.

Parsing the blockchain parecía un buen proyecto, lo suficientemente peludo como para ofrecer algún desafío, pero con suficiente libertad para permitirme zambullirme en las fortalezas únicas de Erlang, explorar su subsistema de E / S y envolver mi cabeza alrededor de la estructura más profunda. Puedes consultar mi código en Github. He realizado un análisis de alto nivel, he dejado la secuencia de comandos y la salida hexadecimal, y la salida real de csv como un ejercicio para el lector, envíame parches. En muchos sentidos, el lenguaje se estructura más como un sistema operativo que las alternativas más convencionales. Los módulos de código se ejecutan en procesos aislados y se comunican a través de mensajes explícitos que pasan con colas de buzones y reciben selectivamente. Similar al buzón de estilo Unix o comunicación por canal donde el lado de recepción es una expresión estructurada. Este es un modelo simple y poderoso para la comunicación, la manera de Unix, me gusta ya.

Si quieres probar el código, clona el repositorio. Consulte el README para obtener instrucciones de instalación más detalladas, copie un archivo de bloque o

/.bitcoin/blocks/dat. Dat en el mismo directorio y ejecutar make all; Hacer concha

Make shell te dejará en un shell Erlang con los módulos necesarios cargados:

Esto construirá un archivo de texto de bloque de bloque sin procesar pero de parses en blk00000.dat. csv en el directorio de trabajo actual. Para divertirse, echa un vistazo al árbol de control de procesos ya otra información de tiempo de ejecución:

Los componentes de la aplicación se estructuran en módulos con interfaces explícitas, y todos estos procesos tienen un estado mutable limitado. Esto tiene ramificaciones interesantes con respecto al rendimiento y limitar los posibles efectos secundarios. La reproducibilidad dada un conjunto de entradas es un concepto importante, y en marcado contraste con lenguajes con estado mutable en el que puede generar inadvertidamente salidas diferentes a un conjunto definido de entradas. El código es un poco más complicado de lo que tiene que ser porque decidí escribir todo dentro de las limitaciones de Open Telecom Framework.

OTP es un componente importante de Erlang y proporciona un conjunto genérico de comportamientos que modelan la funcionalidad general. El marco gen_server facilita la comunicación bidireccional de procesos, el marco gen_fsm tiene que ver con la construcción de máquinas de estado finito, etc. En última instancia, estos procesos se agrupan en una jerarquía de árbol de supervisión. Soy un gran fan de los árboles de supervisión. El marco de DJB Daemon-tools es mi camino para la construcción de procesos tolerantes a fallas bajo Linux, y estos conceptos están vivos y bien en Erlang. Esto permite que partes del sistema se reinicien en caso de fallo y proporcionen aislamiento de fallas. El programa orientado a objetos típico fallará si hay un error en un submódulo que no se ha detectado. En OTP hay una manera de modelar y recuperarse incluso de graves fallas en una arquitectura distribuida.

De alguna manera llegué a este punto sin mencionar la correspondencia de patrones, la idea de que el lado derecho e izquierdo de una ecuación son igualados, y que las variables son de asignación única. Suena terrible, pero en la práctica es bastante elegante y fácil de tratar. La sintaxis de bits incorporada es un ejemplo de la potencia de expresión que coincide cuando se aplica a flujos binarios, un extracto de blockparser_worker. erl:

El binario que se está leyendo desde el archivo de bloque en el disco coincide con una expresión compleja que conduce con un pequeño endiano de 32 bits codificado MagicByte como token inicial. Si el patrón no coincide con una tupla se devuelve, lo que hace que la función principal cambie de bit hacia adelante e intente igualar de nuevo. Un pedazo de código muy expresivo que sería difícil emparejar en muchos idiomas. Este enfoque se centra en la escritura de protocolos binarios. Yo también soy fan de mi implementación de enteros de longitud variable:

Una serie de funciones con expresiones de guardia y múltiples devoluciones, pero también muy concisas. Probablemente debería estar regresando una tupla, pero eso es una guerra filosófica de llama para otro día. Estas son las raíces funcionales de Erlang en capas con una fuerte dosis de pragmatismo. Creo que es la característica de diseño que se destaca más que cualquier otra cosa, Erlang fue diseñado principalmente para resolver problemas del mundo real en un espacio específico, y esas decisiones han permeado las bibliotecas de base, marcos y estructura general.

El lector astuto notará que estoy usando poolboy para crear un grupo de trabajadores que maneja largas peticiones de análisis de ejecución. Esto puede parecer correcto, pero en realidad es incorrecto. Yo estaba bajo la impresión de que poolboy era tanto una piscina de trabajadores y una cola de trabajo, es decididamente el primero. Eso significa que con el fin de apalancar adecuadamente que sería roped en la construcción de una solución adecuada cola. La forma correcta de hacerlo sería crear un proceso de distribución que cargue la cola de trabajo y luego tener una serie de procesos que se leen desde la cola según corresponda. Erlang hace ese tipo de interacción muy fácil. Como está el código es bastante eficiente, generar un proceso para cada núcleo y dar a cada uno una lista secuencial de archivos para trabajar a través. La E / S en esa situación era bastante rápida. Anteriormente había experimentado con el envío de actualizaciones de bloque a un proceso de registro, pero que en cola un gran número de mensajes en la cola de recepción y en última instancia resultó en un pobre rendimiento de escritura.

Lo largo y corto de esto es que la simultaneidad de Erlang y la sintaxis de bit hicieron un trabajo corto de lo que de otra manera habría sido una experiencia bastante peluda. Tiene una estructura extraña para Unix, y es notablemente natural si tiene una gran familiaridad con los procesos y los mecanismos de IPC. Definitivamente darle un tiro, después de unas pocas horas de frustración total que se alegrará de haberlo hecho.

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Ember Financial: Activos Abiertos para la Empresa

Me complace anunciar la disponibilidad de la plataforma Ember Financial para aplicaciones empresariales en la cadena Block de Bitcoin. Los anuncios recientes de Nasdaq y otros están preparando el escenario para un renacimiento en las aplicaciones tokenized en Blockchain, y estamos liderando la carga con la primera middleware totalmente administrada y la plataforma integrada para construir la próxima generación de liquidación, propiedad inteligente y aplicaciones de activos en el mercado. El libro digital más seguro del mundo.

Ember es una poderosa plataforma de monedas de color totalmente compatible con la especificación Open Assets, con muchas características avanzadas diseñadas para ayudar a las compañías a implementar y administrar rápidamente sus activos y transacciones aseguradas blockchain. Construido desde cero con tolerancia a fallas, confiabilidad y escala en mente, puede acortar dramáticamente el tiempo de mercado para aplicaciones financieras y otras exigentes.

La construcción de infraestructura en la red Bitcoin sigue siendo difícil, y las empresas tienen retos importantes en la adopción e integración de la tecnología de contabilidad distribuida. Múltiples tipos de carteras con compromisos asociados, gestión de riesgos en línea, distribución y firma de claves criptográficas, sofisticadas instalaciones para la construcción de transacciones y requisitos de fiabilidad y transparencia. Podemos destilar este proceso en una pasarela de servicios financieros unificada que amplíe sus capacidades dramáticamente y le permite aprovechar las interesantes innovaciones de las redes de Bitcoin. Simplemente la manera más rápida de obtener de cero a uno para sus aplicaciones específicas de dominio.

En el centro de la plataforma está la Open Telecom Platform de Erricson, el mismo framework que potencia algunas de las aplicaciones más exigentes de Internet, incluyendo WhatsApp, la infraestructura de chat de Facebook y numerosas soluciones de telecomunicaciones. Cuando el tiempo de inactividad no es una opción, y la fiabilidad es clave para el éxito de su producto una fundación a prueba de balas es extraordinariamente importante. Esta infraestructura está expuesta a través de una serie de APIs, Guis y herramientas de administración remota. Algunas de las características avanzadas incluyen:

Hemos abordado los problemas de diseño de Bitcoin más difíciles y hemos creado una pila de aplicaciones unificada que permite a las empresas extender y gestionar sus productos y servicios directamente en la cadena de bloqueo. Para obtener más información acerca de nuestras capacidades o para analizar sus desafíos e ideas de diseño, envíenos un correo electrónico a ####################### 98; & # 106; & # x2; & # x6e; & # 97; & # 110; & # x3; & # x6; & # 97; & # x6c; & # 46; & # X63; & # 111; & # x6d ;. Voy a seguir esta publicación con una serie de ejemplos y casos de uso, así como actualizaciones sobre nuestras capacidades en rápida expansión.

11 de abril. 2015

Bitcoin en 2015

Es un nuevo año, y yo definitivamente he sido negligente en la actualización de mi blog. Eso no era una de las resoluciones de mi Año Nuevo, pero tal vez debería haber sido. 2015 se está convirtiendo en un excelente año para Bitcoin, con fondos importantes que fluyen en el espacio y los avances que se están haciendo en la mayoría de los frentes.

Los principales bancos, firmas comerciales y otras instituciones financieras están finalmente tomando nota. Bitcoin podría ser la primera moneda de amplia disponibilidad de inclusión financiera. La web era una rampa para la mayor conexión a Internet y mundial, tal vez Bitcoin va a cumplir un propósito similar con respecto a la banca en los próximos diez años. De repente tenemos un mecanismo para entregar valor a los consumidores directamente, independientemente de la localidad. Esto significa que los servicios bancarios tradicionales, tales como almacenamiento, intereses, préstamos y pagos pueden lograrse sin los límites geográficos, económicos y políticos que la industria bancaria ha crecido alrededor. Estas restricciones artificiales se están rompiendo a medida que la fricción de estos servicios se aproxima rápidamente a cero.

Ya estamos viendo compañías de remesas que empiezan en casi todos los grandes mercados. From Mexico to the Philippines, the UK, Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa. Diverse companies are integrating with existing financial networks and cash delivery options, MPesa phone networks, general SMS, Email, Twitter, you name it. Bitcoin is the fastest, cheapest and most secure way to transfer money, and in the not too distant future will be the cheapest, fastest and most secure way to transfer anything of value. A click away from cash delivery directly to your mobile device or a custodial service, at prices that are simply unbeatable.

Western Union isn’t going down without a fight, and have managed to hold on to their share of the remittance market despite the fact that they aren’t terribly competitive. Unfortunately for them I don’t see a future where they are destroyed by a single definable competitor, rather its death by a million cuts as disconnected businesses all over the world eat away at their core business proposition. Consumers no longer have to be satisfied with local money options when a world of possibilities is available at the click of a button.

To some this might seem far fetched, it seems like a distant possibility that money and money services will be so fluid and so accessible that people in the farthest corners of the world will have access to the sophisticated infrastructure we enjoy in the west. If you are in the camp, think back to the distant past of 1993. In that good year there were approximately 130 websites. Just seven years later there were 17,087,182 websites. Now in 2015 there are over 968,882,453 websites. By 2016 we are projected to have over 2 billion smart phone users. That is 2 billion people walking around with devices in their pockets capable of transferring money directly to any of the other 2 billion smart phone users on the planet. Do you still think Western Union has a business model?

The Internet has uprooted industry after industry, largely through connectivity. Businesses that rely on these artificial boundaries are destined to be destroyed or radically changed. Banking is fortified at the heart of our society, it is responsible for money creation, and fuels the engines of capitalism, yet up until now has been sheltered from those same forces. Protected by geography, cemented by regulation. It’s time to adapt or die. Bitcoin is coming, and digital currency is here to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Dec 30 th. 2014


Sidechains have been getting a lot of press recently within the Bitcoin community, backed by a fresh round of 21 million in investment, and with a team including some of the Bitcoin core developers they are in a position to push through changes and adapt Bitcoin to different purposes. For those unfamiliar the premise is very simple. Sidechains is a cryptographic mechanism by which Bitcoin can be locked in the main chain, and redeemed for a deterministic amount of an alt coin. This alt coin has its own blockchain, its own rules, and its own code. It runs completely independently from Bitcoin, but at any time it should be possible to redeem this coin and transfer the value back into the main Bitcoin blockchain.

Blockstream has been touting this as a major innovation, something worthy of investment, and a game changer for Blockchain technology. I’m not convinced yet. Like many good ideas its worth trying to separate fact from fiction, and take a hard look at what Sidechains really do from a technical and monetary perspective.

The first thing to keep in mind is that a side-chain is an alt coin. It is an alt coin that is subject to the same rules as any other alt coin. It is not secured by the Bitcoin proof-of-work by default. It is not immune to bugs. It may not even be extensively tested. It is in almost every way equivalent to any fork of Bitcoin we have ever seen. However, its value is derived from Bitcoin because Bitcoin can be transferred into it at a deterministic rate in order to prop up the chain. The main argument for this, is that it shields people from transactional risk. I would argue that it does the opposite, and hides risk by preventing the free market from discovering its true value.

From an operational standpoint the benefits are clear. If you were running multiple block-chains, and they were all secured via merged mining so that they had identical proof-of-work security, then you could increase the scale by the number of simultaneously running block-chains. The thing is this is true for any alt coin. If you start an alt coin, and it is secured via merge mining, then you can specialize it and increase the transactional throughput of digital currency networks by having multiple simultaneous running chains for different purposes (this is how the system works now).

I think from a scale perspective the thing that is interesting is not running multiple alt-coins, but just scaling Bitcoin itself out horizontally with multiple block-chains that can share data. This lets you increase the scale and size of the Bitcoin network, alt coins be damned. It could also be a way of simply migrating the entire Bitcoin network to a new one, or a different code base. For people who are worried about centralization concerns and regulatory control there is something to think about here. In our effort to scale Bitcoin we may be creating mechanisms to assert regulatory control. What if Bank transactions can only happen on a Bank run side chain? What if transactions for government services can only occur on a government run Sidechains with identity controls? It seems to me to be a slippery slope, once a mechanism exists to migrate coins away from Bitcoin to alternative chains, won’t we see a fragmentation of the ecosystem as companies silo specific functionality?

So the argument seems to be primarily an economics one. We aren’t gaining very much technically from this shift, that we don’t already have with existing alt coins, but are getting “risk-free” value transfer. Of course, that isn’t really true, the risk is being hidden because of lack of information sharing. Despite the negative publicity that traders get the market serves many purposes, including being able to price the value of a commodity or service based on the underlying fundamentals. When you deterministically 2-way-peg an asset you are making a statement. These two things are equivalent. 1 side coin is worth 1 Bitcoin, and 1 Bitcoin is worth 1 side coin. Of course, if a side chain is an alt coin that may not be true. If it isn’t secured by the same proof of work, and the network isn’t as large, and the code hasn’t been vetted I would say that the peg rate doesn’t make much sense. It may be that 1 Bitcoin should be worth a 1000 side coins because that network isn’t as good. Similarly if a major bug shows up in the side chain, shouldn’t its value decrease? If you have new information that the coin isn’t good, then when you buy into it you are paying more than its worth. When you sell it you are getting more than you should.

I think very little effort has been spent on the economics side of this equation. Side chains don’t make good economic sense, if they limit price discovery. The thing is when you deterministically peg something you are making a statement about value that may not be true. A side coin is not Bitcoin by definition, how can you make a value statement in code? There are people who say that Side-coins will trade on alternative markets also, but this is not the case. If I can always buy at a fixed rate, and sell at a fixed rate, I’ll only ever go to the market if I can get a better rate. Market dynamics tell me that I should never be able to get a better rate though because there is the certainty that I can buy and sell at a fixed price indefinitely. Put it another way, if I can buy a side-coin for 1 bitcoin, why would I ever buy it for 2? If I can sell a side coin for 1 bitcoin, why would I ever sell it for less?

It also plays around with incentive structures. Bitcoin itself has taken root because people believe it offers something different then what is out there, and that its network, and technical underpinnings have real value. They have put their money into Bitcoin, some simply to store it, but many with the hope that it will increase in value. A side chain never decreases in value, nor does it appreciate. You are taking a risk in that the coin may fail or have other issues, but there is no upside. Why put your money in an alternative coin and absorb that risk if there is no long term incentive? Similarly as a technologist, why should I spend the considerable effort necessary to create a side chain when there is no long term monetary incentive in the form of ownership to continue developing it? It forces us to find monetization channels outside of the currency proper, which I would argue is not an efficient means of work appropriation.

People also point out that Alt coins are frequently scams (which is true), but I would hazard that their value fairly accurately determines their risk profile. Their is a reason when a coin is trading at fractions of a penny. If the side coin chain stops working (51% attack) or some other transactional bug, Bitcoin may not be redeemable. This is not a risk-free way of trying anything, but many frame it that way.

Like any new technology the rule book is still being written. Its possible that a combination of technologies and methodologies might provide an accurate market-driven structure that preserves incentive structures within digital currency. Side chains is not a panacea to all problems Bitcoin, and there is considerable cause for concern that it may provide a mechanism to subvert Bitcoin proper. Remember Microsoft’s old adage, embrace, extend, and extinguish. Sometimes people with the best intentions make critical mistakes, for even the very wise cannot see all ends. Sidechains may provide a migration path that ultimately inadvertently undermines Bitcoin.

Dec 15 th. 2014

It’s All About Trust.

It all comes down to trust. The modern world’s financial system is built on a foundation of trust, and supported by the framework of law. I remember very clearly the first time I saw a trader execute an over the counter transaction, thats when two traders at different institutions agree on a trade over the phone or in this case instant messenger. With all of the computers we have I assumed that process was done through some kind of shared system, that immediately resolved the transaction and settled the obligations of both parties. It doesn’t work anything like this. Each trader marks their side of the transaction in their firm’s ledger, and then at some point in the future a settlement process occurs. So if I sell you a million barrels of oil, you take my word for it, enter it into your system and go on with your day. This system is entirely based on trust, and the penalty for voiding an agreement is never being able to work in trading again.

When a bank sends another bank money via Swift (the international payments clearing mechanism) they deduct the amount from their local books, enter the amount into swifts system, and the foreign bank adds that amount into their system. Both parties are trusting Swift to clear and settle that transaction. If the transaction goes south for some reason and cannot be resolved properly the system falls back on legal remedies. Trust permeates every aspect of our digital lives. We trust the government to back the US Dollar, that is a trust obligation to the people holding currency and investing in US bonds. We trust the bank to be able to deliver us currency even though they only hold a small portion of your money in the bank (a 5% fractional reserve rate is standard). We trust counter-parties to deliver goods and services, we trust payment companies to settle transactions, we trust brokerage companies to hold and manage stock certificates. Even the simplest payments are built on a network of trusted parties, and a web of legal and other agreements that connects them.

Trust has overhead. You can’t simply trust someone else can you? A bank can’t just take the word of another bank it doesn’t know anything about. In order to solve this we build banking associations, and government oversight committees, and employ legions of regulators, and auditors. We need accountants to compute both sides of the ledger, and lawyers to fall back on when things go south. We need tax accessors to make sure the government gets its cut, and don’t forget the police when you don’t honor your obligations. A framework of trust requires an elaborate system of checks and balances, every step in that process adds to the cost of doing business, and ultimately is passed along to consumers in the form of service fees and more expensive products.

Bitcoin solves the problem of trust. It does this in three ways. First, it enables the transfer of information between two parties in an irreversible way without either party having a pre-existing relationship. When you get paid, you get paid. Second, it allows anyone to audit transactions both in real time and historically, this provides a fact-in-time ledger, which allows us to know with certainty when events have occurred. Third, tokens representing money or other information can not be fabricated, counterfeited or otherwise copied, you can’t just magic up some Bitcoins out of thin air.

So potentially we have a new technology that is capable of replacing vast amounts of our financial infrastructure. The key is that unlike our existing system, if you can facilitate trust-less transactions you can do them programatically. This lets us push the legal, regulatory, accounting, and other rules that run our society into computer code. The same wave of automation that changed us into a post-industrial society, can now be leveraged to push us into a a new information age.

Dec 12 th. 2014

Meet the New Middlemen

Microsoft now accepts Bitcoin. It’s all over the news. This is how this will play out. After six months or so Microsoft or another large tech company will acquire Bitpay for some insane amount of money, and then use their position in the market to push Bitcoin in every major retail channel and service they have. Of course Bitpay doesn’t actually do anything that your software couldn’t do automatically for you (and will), the dirty secret is that all Bitcoin payment processors are just order routers to exchanges in disguise with a payout back-end via ACH or some other established local payment method. The topology of Bitcoin payments is much more akin to trading infrastructure and financial services than it is to existing payment rails, and is in many ways less complicated than the legacy systems currently churning through payments.

It seems that whenever new technology comes along we have an arms race of companies trying to establish themselves as the defacto players. Bitcoin is no different in that in every country we are starting to see remittance and payments companies that pop up and perform one of two functions. They take your money and convert it into Bitcoin, or they take your Bitcoin and convert it into cash. They do this through local exchanges or by matching buyers with sellers within their own systems. Maybe they also let you link with some local payout options, or connect to an ATM machine or other point of sale device, but ultimately they are performing the same basic functions. It reminds me of the old WHO lyric, meet the new boss same as the old boss.

I’ve stated before how Bitcoin is the new Forex, but it has one property that really differentiates itself, and I think ultimately invalidates the model of most companies trying to establish themselves as the new middlemen. It is programmable money. That is a phrase that is thrown around a lot, it’s hard to pin down, what does it mean anyway? To me it means the ability to write programs that control the spending and flow of money, functionality that up until now has been largely provided by middlemen and embodied in third parties. Ten years ago you needed someone to “process” your transactions. To validate that it happened, record it in a database, and inform all of the parties through settlement what actually occurred. This still happens to a large extant across industries. The reason you needed these middlemen is that they created a proxy for trust, a framework where people could purchase services from providers without having to have any real relationship with them. So long as we mutually agreed to trust the credit card company, or the payment processor the exchange was facilitated. Bitcoin doesn’t require trust, and when it does each party can agree to trust different people. I may trust Exchange X to trade out my Bitcoin for dollars, and you trust Exchange Y. We don’t have to mutually agree on anything in order to facilitate payment.

Similarly since the flow of Bitcoin is software controlled, why do we need middlemen to handle the transaction? Why can’t the software embedded into your website facilitate the trade-out to cash itself? Lets look at the Bitpay model. They build a plugin for your e-commerce site that interfaces with their payment back-end. When they see a Bitcoin payment they notify you and the purchaser of a successful transaction, sell the Bitcoin on an exchange, and transfer the money to the merchant. They wrap that up with insurance and a big float so they don’t have to sell immediately and you have a money transfer business. The thing is, none of that functionality needs to be centralized. Alternatively your website could simply wait for the Bitcoin payment, trade it out on an exchange you trust, and initiate a payment via a method supported by the exchange to your bank account. Pretty easy, and something you can imagine being baked right into open source software.

Why can’t someones wallet directly do that? This quickly leads us down a rabbit hole where every consumer has the ability to directly deposit their money into investment vehicles they trust without middlemen. I don’t need to pay someone else to do cash settlement if the code running my website can do it automatically. I don’t need a special relationship with a select few companies if anyone can give me Bitcoin for cash. What we see is a proliferation of models that are replicating how payments have worked for the last twenty years when we are on the cusp of a payments topology that is completely different.

Decentralized computing and programmable money are here. Its time to embrace the new capabilities we have instead of shoehorning them into the existing models. The same way open source has completely taken over computing we can expect that same system to take over payments, and financial services. What we need is interoperable open systems (like open transactions) and the Bitcoin network to link our software systems together. Exchange and third party processors need to start speaking a unified API so that we can blow the possibilities wide open.

Nov 19 th. 2014

Bitcoin Is the New Forex

Everything old is new again. Remember Forex? Hotspot? Lava? When unregulated third party exchanges started popping up they changed the dynamic of foreign exchange trading dramatically. While arguably still heavily influenced by the banks (don’t get me started on last look liquidity for those familiar), the available liquidity and access to those markets was simplified. Now the average consumer can trade Forex in minutes, and despite the risk, many do. This has created a vibrant and diverse market, with multiple exchanges, and consumer platforms vying for dominance.

The thing is, almost every single Bitcoin company is a trading company in disguise, they all have similar pipelines and they all perform variants on the same function. You can call it payment processing if you want, but the process looks more like a trade execution system then anything approaching traditional payments. Let’s run through the major players:

Bitpay and every other payment processor on the planet, Takes your Bitcoins sends them to an exchange and gives the merchant dollars. They are on the sell side in order to meet the cash obligations to merchants.

Coinbase, Circle, BitReserve, et al. Takes your money and gives you Bitcoins. So they transfer money from your account, put it on an exchange, and credit you Bitcoins. They also perform the reverse function on settlement so they are buy and sell side. This means they can make a two sided market based on customer order flow.

Robocoin, BitAccess, etc. Takes your cash or Bitcoin at an ATM, trades it out on an exchange, and gives you the equivalent. Two sided trading liquidity, although I imagine they are more heavily buy side.

Alphapoint, shapeshift. io and others. Does order execution and platform services. That is called an order routing engine. That means they take an order, and fulfill it at one of many exchanges based on best-price or some other metric.

Coinsetter, BTC China, Kraken, Cryptsy, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, the list goes on and on. They have matching engines and run two sides markets taking order flow from the above companies and consumers and matching buyers and sellers. This is the exact same model that all of the early 2000s era Forex companies had.

Are we noticing any commonalities here? The only thing amazing about this list is how the existing well established, funded Forex platforms haven’t jumped on the bandwagon. There is nothing interesting from a technology perspective here, thousands have done it before. It would take them seconds to add unregulated third party Forex to digital currency swaps but they haven’t. There is an acquisition argument there, that existing platforms will just consume the new ones that have an understanding of handling digital currency payments.

Further, we have to ask ourselves exactly what function many of these companies perform. Order routing has complexities but isn’t exactly rocket science. Why can’t my digital wallet simply trade out on an exchange of my choosing if I want cash? Why am I paying the spread on these transactions when I can directly go to the market myself? Digital currency allows us to do frictionless transfer, so couldn’t an exchange accept a payment on my behalf and notify me when I had cash waiting? Obviously this is a simplification of the problem, but it seems we have a lot of middlemen inserted into a process that ultimately doesn’t need them.

In the end every Bitcoin company breaks down into just a few steps, and we are going to see modular open platforms that independently perform those steps. This is going to generate a tremendous amount of unstructured dumb liquidity. If you remember the explosion in growth of third party Forex, its time to make a stand in Bitcoin and digital currency. It’s happening here right now.

Nov 14 th. 2014

Lightweight Tokenization

If you haven’t already seen it, I recommend checking out this video about the future of Bitcoin’s technology. It really lays out what I’ve been saying for a while, that we need to look at the underlying capabilities and start thinking about it as a new method for trusted exchange.

Digital currency is moving fast. Very very fast. It seems a day doesn’t go by where something new doesn’t crop up. The Bitcoin 2.0 space is particularly hot, with various organizations vying to lay the groundwork for future applications. While the world is still stuck on the notion of Bitcoin as a digital currency (if they understand it at all), technologists are embracing a more expansive vision. We are rapidly approaching a world where machines talk to other machines, but until now have lacked a viable mechanism for machines to pay other machines in real time for their resources, access, and capabilities. This machine-to-machine interaction is heavily predicated on their being facilities to do lightweight tokenization.

Let’s construct a contrived example. Let’s say we have invented a new type of camera, designed to be worn at all times that constantly stores video (yes, I am aware that devices like this exist). Over the course of years that is a lot of storage. The traditional model for building something like this would have the camera connect to a service that you the builder controls. It would send you video, which you would store. You would pay for that storage after the fact, and bill the consumer to continue hosting access to it. This means that you are not only a hardware maker, but are also in the storage business for video. Your devices will only work while you are providing them with storage, and hosting the infrastructure necessary to keep the cameras running.

Now lets make this an automated system. The consumer enters their purchase details and instead of directly buying storage with you their actual device is credited storage tokens that it controls. Storage tokens are redeemable for storage at any place that accepts them at a dynamic rate of Megabyte per second. Locations that accept storage tokens don’t have to know anything about the consumer, they don’t have to have any relationship whatsoever. They just have to accept storage tokens, provide the user with storage, and let them put stuff there. This means that the price of storage will fluctuate dynamically over time based on supply and demand. The video device itself negotiates with locations for storage, and pays them directly. When it starts running out of cash it tells the consumer who can top it up anywhere.

Now lets fast forward. Our video device company has discontinued the product, and moved on to bigger and better things. We got out of the storage business but because the tokens are untrusted existing providers can continue to honor those contracts, they have market value because people can exchange cash for tokens and vice versa on open markets. We have machines which rely on and can pay other machines for services rendered.

If you start thinking about what that means in the long term we get the complete decentralization of resources. Standard industry tokens start representing all aspects of compute power, labor and physical goods. Ram, Storage, Compute at the base, followed by more sophisticated high level services like image analysis, post production processing, rendering pipelines, messaging, Database/Querying etc. Devices no longer rely on the resources of one company, but on the available federated resources of the network. That is a total paradigm shift in the making, and Bitcoin is making it possible.

We want to be able to build highly scalable systems that respond to market demand, but are currently mired in a sea of incompatible APIs and standards. Our resources are heavily fragmented and silo-ed. In large part because there has never been a way for someone to negotiate the use of a specific resource without establishing a relationship with the provider, all that is about to change for the better.

Nov 13 th. 2014

Erlang Needs an Open Cloud Platform

Erlang is awesome. De Verdad. Syntax aside the language has a lot going for it, like most good products it is highly opinionated. Pure process oriented message passing semantics with per-process mailboxes and garbage collection is a very clean approach. These fundamentals make it an excellent choice for distributed and concurrent programming, and barring Java with Akka there are few options for language-based distributed operation.

The importance of this is very much up for debate, given that the message-queue has become a ubiquitous proxy for language support. Discrete components written in multiple languages hooked up to some agnostic bus makes for a simple model for distributed computation and insulates programmers from many of the complexities of “real” distributed programming. Light-weight libraries like 0mq / and google protocol buffers have blurred the lines between the traditional message queue and full inter-process RPC. Despite these advantages some major software messaging platforms have been written in Erlang, including WhatsApp, and portions of major software infrastructure like Github. I’ve also heard that it has a role at Heroku, and frankly it makes sense.

Erlang has three absolutely killer features that make it a serious contender for any environment trying to have massive uptime. First, is the OTP platform itself. The official language is called Erlang/OTP for a reason, and thats because the Open Telecom Platform bakes in a lot of critical software components necessary to build resilient software. Not using OTP and building distributed code is like reinventing the wheel all over again. The second is hot code reload. You can upgrade code on a per module basis as the system is running, largely due to the enforced immutable state, but also a lot of back end plumbing. Doing live upgrades while a system is running is an extremely tricky business, but if uptime is absolutely critical it is a very powerful capability to have baked in to the core libraries. Finally, Erlang has a built in database. Mnesia is an acid-compliant distributed data store, capable of multi-node replication, sharding, and a host of other features that interface seamlessly with the language itself. Being able to store data in an active-active state across your application nodes, Mnesia makes it possible.

I do have one major gripe, and that is the real subject of this post. The open Telecom platform is fantastic for what it is, clearly probably the best framework out there for developing a 2 or 3 node high availability application. Takeover capabilities, distributed in memory operation, and hot code reload make for a potent mix when trying to design something capable of throughput and uptime. The problem is that it really falls short when we talk about large distributed applications. Once you want to run your code on ten nodes, or fifty, or a hundred the paradigms that OTP introduces kind of fall apart. The built in tools don’t handle network partitions very well if at all, they don’t have dynamo style consistent hashing, paxos support, or multi-cast and distributed messaging constructs between processes, nor can you expect to find built in service discovery (beyond PG2/Gproc). If you want these things (Ulf Wiger’s excellent Gproc library aside) you end up rolling your own. As any experienced programmer knows, rolling your own anything is difficult, and ultimately prone to error. When you are building a new application you generally want battle tested components, but in Erlang your options are limited.

Basho has done an excellent job with Riak, Riak Core is a really nice dynamo-style library, but its just one component in the toolbox. It is also low on examples, and although there are some interesting presentations on using it for service oriented architecture there is little in the way of open source code demonstrating that usage. I can understand why, certainly after building a nice distributed framework around Riak core many companies would simply keep it internal as part of their competitive arsenal. I think what Erlang needs is an Open Cloud Platform. A set of rock solid components that leverage Erlang’s robust distributed features, builds on OTP as a foundation, but really extends it’s capabilities for building applications that are highly distributed. Instead of having to cobble together a bunch of third party libraries, a single uniform set of interfaces around service discovery, messaging, and partition recovery would go a long way to keeping Erlang competitive in the long term.

Despite it’s success in certain industries Erlang will probably remain a niche language. Certainly some of it’s best features are being emulated in the JVM, and co-opted by languages like Scala, but it seems so clear with a serious effort on the tooling side it could cement itself as a viable alternative for a wide range of applications.

Sep 2 nd. 2014

What Celebrity Hacking Should Teach Us

Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, and numerous other celebrities have been exposed in a series of racy photographs and videos many of which they took themselves. People with extraordinary talents and prurient interests subsequently stole them from cloud services (iCloud). The obvious lesson here is don’t take pictures you don’t want mom to see. Followed closely by “use a secure password” not some english word, or your dog’s name. Unfortunately, while the subject might be giggle-worthy to some, there is a lot of information sitting online that is far more important.

The reality is that cloud security is a misnomer, there is nothing safe about it. This was long touted as the reason why corporations and consumers would avoid these services, but the cost and convenience advantages were too big to ignore. Let’s face it, it sure is nice that pictures from your iPhone and digital camera automatically sync with your home Mac, Ipad, and Apple TV. It is a slick feature with tangible consumer benefits, ultimately designed to make your life easier. Unfortunately in many instances this ease-of-use results in a loss of privacy.

We have gotten very good at creating a share-driven society, where information is publically accessible, and easy to get access to. The largest services on the Internet are entirely geared to getting the word out or disseminating pictures and video. The problem is that we don’t want to share everything, there are things we want to keep private, but this data is seamlessly mixed with everything else. We don’t have the strict separation required to protect us from rogue selfies, let alone personal and corporate identity theft.

Cloud security is a lot like the donuts above. Each donut represents a different organization. Every time you use a cloud service you are traversing multiple service providers, each with their own security practices and limitations. In the donut analogy a lot of money is spent on the exterior surface, perimeter security, but very little is spent in the interior. The problem with this model is that the interior of these organizations is rather porous, multiple parties have access to the data and systems of each company in the chain. This greatly increases the attack surface, and makes it much more difficult to isolate and protect consumer data.

Cloud data services are often constructed in a similiar fashion. Take data. Throw data on drive. Put permissions in database. Add password. Hecho. This is a recipe for data-leakage and compromise. It is the easy way to build software, that pays homage to good security practices while ignoring most of the hard work. Consumers and businesses don’t have the expertise to determine if their service providers are doing the right thing except when things go wrong. This should be a wake up call for Apple. No matter how they shift the blame away from their systems, in the end they are partially responsible for this type of data leakage because of poor security practices. In this event the end result was mild public embarrasment, but what is the cost to a company if their data gets leaked? What about compromising photos of their executives? Data can be extremely damaging, costly, and outright dangerous in the wrong hands.

So how do we solve this problem? Designing services from the ground up helps you create a sound methodology for data security. Clearly with the investment already put into existing cloud deployments we can’t simply replace them. Apple can take a page from it’s own playbook here and institute device-centric encryption. They already use a variant of this for their iMessage product. Granted the scale of data is not comparable, but we have a mechanism for boxing up data its called symetric encryption. The pervasive and less sexy cousin of public key cryptography, simply encrypting the data perhaps with the biometric thumb print in the new IOS would prevent a wide range of data abuse.

Ultimately you want to provide a seamless experience to the user while also protecting them from internal and external threats. Device and user-driven encryption can do this without compromising usability. In this instance the iCloud attackers may have gained password level access to icloud, but without these secondary biometric markers would have been unable to decrypt the incriminating selfies.

I would be remiss if I didn’t at least mention my own encrypted transfer service which is integrated directly into Gmail and Google Apps via a Chrome plugin. You can check that out here. Ultimately we need to demand better accountability for private data from the firms we have annointed as our digital shephards, and they have the expertise and the technology to provide a better, safer experience online.

Aug 25 th. 2014

Altcoins: NXT in 1 Minute

NXT is not a Bitcoin source-code derivative, so doesn’t directly deserve the altcoin moniker. That being said it definitely is a brother-in-arms, adopting many of the core concepts while trying a different approach. It is a complete reimplementation of blockchain technology in Java, with a feature set heavily geared towards tokenization and distributed exchange. In many ways it is clearly geared as a spiritual successor to Bitcoin, addressing many of the core infrastructure concerns while adding a strong complement of crypto currency 2.0 features. A lot of this new functionality is built on the core of the project, rather than being bolted on to the existing technical stack. Total market capitalization is $28,860,616 at the time of this writing, number 5 according to coinmarketcap. It is important to note that those statistics are based on extrapolation of total available supply, which may not be an accurate gauge of real total monetary value or market penetration.

So what makes NXT special? Its considered a dark horse candidate in part because the technical stack is so different from Bitcoin core, major bugs in the latter that would surely tank the value of Bitcoin should not affect NXT. In this hypothetical scenario a major issue in Bitcoin and the thousands altcoin derivatives it is based on would destroy the credibility of it’s ecosystem, and NXT would be there to pick up the pieces and reap the rewards. This is a valid argument. I don’t personally believe that Bitcoin suffers from fundamental flaws in its design that would lead to total collapse, but if one were hedging a position in crypto currencies certainly NXT deserves mention.

From a technical standpoint we have 1 minute block times for fast confirmation, block retargetting to prevent changes in the network from adversely affecting the confirmation times, and a large fixed tokenized supply distributed via proof-of-stake. The proof-of-stake algorithm deserves its own post, it tries to address the tendency for mined networks to centralize and to keep the network fair and secure. It hasn’t undergone quite the rigorous upbringing of Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mining, but time will tell as the NXT network expands. The few projects I have seen built on the NXT network are an impressive demonstration of its capabilities.

If you are trading in altcoins I would consider NXT a hedge position against the market leaders. For those who are familiar with Taleb’s black swan. a major unforeseen event in the Bitcoin network should considerably bolster the value of NXT and other alternative blockchain-based networks.

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